Aromateria Scents & Sensibilities

Happiness is like perfume. You can't give it away without getting some on yourself.

My Diversity Challenge Reading Scorecard

I’m normally hard-pressed to answer when asked what I’m currently reading. I usually read more than one at a time. These days, I just tell people I’m trying to finish my book club’s Diversity Challenge. As you can see below, I’m off to a slow start this year.

However, I’m committing to reading the following titles for the challenge:
– Imelda Marcos by Carmen Navarro-Pedrosa (Local non-fiction title)
– Startide Rising by David Brin (Foreign award-winner)
– In the Name of the Rose (Umberto Eco challenge)

I’ll sort the others soon. Must admit that I’m blogging this to make myself somewhat accountable. I’m in a comic glut. I’m almost halfway to my reading goal of a hundred books but they’re mostly graphic novels and comics.

Shani's Diversity Challenge scorecard

In case, you’re curious about the Diversity Challange, you can check out FFP’s Shelfari group. You can download a blank copy of the challenge scorecard through this link.

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This entry was posted on May 21, 2013 by in Shani's Blog and tagged , , , , .
